Saturday, October 22, 2011

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
We read this verse in relationship to death and the journey we take when our time arrives.  We gain comfort to know that God will be there with us. 

But when I read it this time I saw it in a different light, with a new meaning. Why do we only look at this verse at a time of death? Why not take comfort from it in our daily lives?  

The Life Application Bible had a note that the verse could also read "through the darkest valley." Our darkest time is not always death. We go through times of highs (mountains) and lows (valleys) in our lives. Those valleys are not always a physical death. It could be pain, sickness, injury, conflict, etc. 

I have a reoccurring valley in my life. I am one who copes with migraines. They are the most excruciatingly painful things that I have experienced. I have prayed in the middle of them that God would either take away the pain or take me home to be with Him. It gives me great comfort to know that God is there with me at these dark time. I know that I am not alone when that debilitating pain is there. God is there when no one else can help me. 

Strength and comfort cannot overcome the valley of pain, sickness, injury or conflict, but just as God is there to get us through the valley of the shadow of death, He is there to get us through the other valleys too. Take comfort that you are not alone. Take comfort that God is there to defend you with His rod and to keep you from danger with His staff.

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