Thursday, March 17, 2011

It All Begins Here...

Almost two years ago, I sat out on a new journey in life.  It was started to build my relationship with God and to make me more confident and bold in what He has for me to do.

As part of my studies, I have been required to complete an outside project.  I have taught several studies, gone on a mission trip, started a non-profit business to raise money for mission trips, and help start a community outreach program in my church.  This quarter I have decided to venture into a new world and expand my horizon, so to speak, by writing this blog.

The words you will find here are my thoughts as I study, read my Bible, attend my study group, and continue on this journey.  As a teacher, I know that in order to grow you have to be challenged.  So I invite you to respond to my thoughts.  I invite you to challenge me.  I invite you to share this journey with me.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing how this develops. I wish you the best and am waiting for the next step on your journey!
